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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that roughly one in six Americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 visit the hospital, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases every year.  Personnel training programs serve to educate employees in food safety techniques and the prevention of foodborne illness.

Food Handler Requirements

Food handlers and Food Managers are no longer required to register their course completion with the City of Austin.

An employee who who prepares or handles food must complete a Food Handler training course (classroom or online) accredited either through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the State of Texas.

Establishments are responsible for ensuring employees undergo training at the proper intervals and are required to maintain a record of the training for each employee at the establishment. Food handlers are no longer required to register course completion with the City of Austin.

Food Manager Requirements

All food establishments are required to have at least one employee with a Food Manager Certification. The food manager certificate must be posted in prominent location at the establishment.

To obtain certification, the employee must pass a certified food manager exam from any Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) approved training source such as a Certification Training Program, Test Site, Online Exam or National Exam provider.

In Travis County: The same Certified Food Manager and Certified Food Handler regulations.
