Codes Resources and Tools
 The City of Austin Development Services Department has online resources to assist the development community including a Code Interpretations Library, online property research tools, neighborhood assistance, and fee-related information.

On this page you will find:

Codes and Regulations

The development process in the City of Austin is guided by a collection of separate controlling sources, including the Land Development Code, Site and/ or Area-Specific Zoning regulations, Building and Technical Codes, and Technical Criteria Manuals.

City Code

The City of Austin's Code of Ordinances can be found on Municode. The Land Development Code (LDC) contains the majority of regulations that apply to the development process. Title 25 of the LDC contains development regulations and building technical codes. Title 30 of the LDC contains Austin/Travis County subdivision regulations which apply to Austin's extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ).

International Property Maintenance Code

The International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) is a model code that regulates the minimum maintenance requirements for existing residential and commercial buildings. The IPMC is intended to establish minimum standards for basics such as structural conditions, lighting, ventilation, sanitation, and fire safety. Municipalities around the world, including the City of Austin, use the IPMC as a template for their property maintenance codes. Learn more about how the City of Austin has adapted the IPMC

Code Interpretation Library

The Code Interpretation Library provides useful information on how the City interprets and applies certain regulations in the Land Development Code (Title 25 of the City Code), including site development and subdivision regulations, as well as technical (construction) codes.

Specific Regulations

  • HOME Amendments - The “Home Options for Mobility and Equity” (HOME) code amendments are among a series of updates to the City’s Land Development Code (LDC). The goal of these changes is to provide more housing types and increase housing supply within single-family zoned areas of Austin.  
  • Residential Design & Compatibility Standards - The Residential Design and Compatibility or "McMansion" regulations were designed to protect the character of Austin's older neighborhoods by ensuring that new construction, remodels, and additions are compatible in scale and bulk with existing neighborhoods. They define acceptable building area for each lot within which new development may occur. There may be additional pertinent regulations to consider. To see if they apply to a particular property or neighborhood, please refer to these resources:
    • Chapter 25-2, Subchapter F
    • Residential Building Permits
    • Adopted Neighborhood Planning Areas
    • Design Tools Map for Neighborhood Planning Areas (PDF) shows the Impervious Cover/Parking Placement, Garage Placement, and Front Porch design tools (subdistrict or area-wide)
    • Building Criteria Manual 
    • Parking Exemptions - A single-family residential use is only eligible for a 200-square-foot parking exemption if the garage is positioned less than 10 feet to the rear of the principal structure and is either completely detached or connected by a breezeway. For single-family residential use, the 200-square-foot exemption for an attached garage is not applicable since it does not require accessible parking spaces. However, commercial uses that have required accessible parking spaces remain eligible for this parking exemption. The 450-square-foot exemption for a carport or detached garage may still be used for single-family residential uses but may not be combined with the 200-square-foot exemption. 
  • Specific Area Regulations - This page contains links to regulations that replace zoning in small portions of the City where compact, walkable, and mixed-use development is desired, such as neighborhood plans, neighborhood conservation combining districts, conditional overlays, planned unit development regulations, and residential design and compatibility standards.

Building Technical Codes

The City of Austin's Building Technical Codes (Chapter 25-12) contains regulations to ensure the safety and functionality of the structure for its future occupants. These codes include the International Building Code, International Residential Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, International Fire Code, International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, International Energy Conservation Code, and the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code.

Rule Postings & Criteria Manuals

Land Development Rules And Technical Criteria Manuals

Technical Criteria Manuals were created to interpret and specify the requirements established in the Land Development Code (Titles 25 and 30 of the City's Code of Ordinances). o adopt or amend a rule, the City of Austin land development departments must comply with the Land Development Rule Posting Process. After the proposed rules are reviewed and approved through the Land Development Rule Posting Process, the proposed rules are submitted to the City Clerk's office and continue the process and procedures as outlined in Section 1-2 of the city code. Official notices of proposed rules, and adoptions, are posted on the City Clerk's website

The City of Austin’s Technical Criteria Manuals includes:

Technical Review Advisory Panel (TARP)

TARP is a collaborative group of City staff working along with housing and development industry professionals to better align criteria manual rules with Council policies and, where appropriate, to simplify the development process. 


These resources provide helpful information to our customers, including fees, Code Connect, and understanding the development process.

A - D         E - J        K - P        Q - Z

A - D

Code Compliance Resources

 This list of community resources is available to help Austin residents resolve potential hazards.

Code Connect

DSD Code Connect is a program that allows residents to contact Development Services Department personnel who can help with general DSD service questions, provide resource guidance, refer to appropriate work groups, and give updates on cases and processes.

Common Code Violations

Learn about common code violations and how the City of Austin codes and ordinances protect our health and safety.

Community Tree Resources

A healthy urban forest takes a community of stewards working together to preserve and protect. Residents, neighborhoods, educators, and families play as big a role as City officials. Find ways you can get involved.

Construction Site Safety Resources

The City of Austin Development Services Department (DSD) works with the community to build a better and safer Austin. This page serves as a construction site safety resource center for general safety, areas around construction sites, and weather-related precautions.

Development Process

Development in the City of Austin begins with your vision for using a piece of property. While each project is unique and has its own considerations, the information on this page broadly explains the general steps in the City's development process.

Development Services News

View past editions and subscribe to Building Connections (Development Services newsletter), find upcoming Development Services stakeholder engagement meetings and events, and view recordings and presentation materials from past meetings on the page.

E - J

Emergency Repairs

This page provides an overview of the permitting process based on the type of damage.


View fee schedules for the current fiscal year (October 1 to September 30), City of Austin budget resources, and past fee studies.

Fiscal Surety

The Fiscal Surety Office accepts, monitors, and releases fiscal surety payments for improvements to environmental, health, safety controls, and public infrastructure. 

Frequently Asked Questions - Code Compliance

A collection of answers to common DSD Code Compliance questions. 

Homeowner and Small Business Owner Process Support

The Development Process Team provides information about the development process to homeowners and small business owners, offering a single point of contact for the duration of your project and helping to connect you with the right resources at every step.

How to Select a Contractor

Our recommended process guide to selecting your contractor. 

K - P

Licensed Haulers

List of haulers licensed by the City of Austin.

Neighborhood Assistance Center

The Neighborhood Assistance Center (NAC) provides educational resources and information about the City of Austin’s Development Services Department (DSD) for non-applicant community members. The NAC helps facilitate communication between residents, community members, neighborhood stakeholders, and other departments within the City of Austin.

Notice of Violation

When a code inspector confirms a code violation, they issue a Notice of Violation (NOV). The Notice of Violation includes the list of violations found, the corrective actions needed, and a timeline. 

Q - Z


Reports including Customer Satisfaction Poll Results, Demolition Report, Success Metrics, and Blueprint of Change.

Tree Contacts Across the City

Maintaining a healthy community forest is a team effort. Many departments across the City provide services related to trees. Use the directory to find the right contact to address your question or concern. 

Tree Information Center

Austin’s urban forest is made up of trees, vegetation, and other components that are invaluable to the well-being and identity of our community. Explore and learn more about this growing resource.

Online Tools

The Development Services Department has various online tools to help you search for development & permit-related information, sign in for service and pay fees, view geographic-related information, and receive development-related email notifications.

Property Search

Austin Build + Connect (AB+C)

Apply for building permits, schedule inspections, pay for permits, assign permits, etc.

  • Public Search - AB+C can also be used to search for development & permitting cases. View the AB+C Manual (PDF) for search tips.

Citizen Connect

Citizen Connect is an online tool that allows users to search complaint cases by address, case number, or various region filters.

Property Profile

 Search and download property information, view aerial images or street views, and run reports about properties. View the Property Profile Overview webpage to learn more about the tool and how to use the tool.

Other Tools


The City of Austin Permitting and Development Center (PDC) offers appointments to help answer some of your development and permitting questions.

Do I Need A Permit? Guide

This interactive guide will help you determine if a permit or application is required from the Development Services Department (DSD), determine the next step in your project's development process, and identify the appropriate DSD staff who can provide further assistance.

Reporting Tools

Report a Code Violation

Learn about ways to report potential code violations. 


Community Registry

A tool for neighborhoods and others to be notified of land use issues in their area.

Demolition Notifications

Track demolition applications in your neighborhood or another defined area.

Use Development Tracker to create notifications about demolition applications. Detailed instructions are available on the Demolition Permit webpage. If you need help, reach out to the Neighborhood Assistance Center.

Development Tracker

Sign up for permit alerts based on criteria selections that are of interest to you.

Notifications Viewer Map

Use the Notifications Viewer Map to search for Zoning, Neighborhood Planning, Hill Country Roadway, Short Term Rental License, Site Plan, Subdivision, Board of Adjustments, and Historic Landmark Commission permit notifications in a specific area. 

Inspector Maps

Code Compliance Inspector Maps

Find your assigned DSD Code Compliance inspector.

DSD Inspectors Territory Map

Lookup by location for residential and commercial inspectors (Building, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing).

Environmental Inspectors Territory Map

Look up your Environmental Inspector by location:

Data and Maps

Web Map Viewers

City of Austin interactive web maps

GIS Data Downloads

City of Austin GIS data and resources

Jurisdictions Web Map

Look up an address to see what jurisdiction it is located in.