The Community Gardens Program started in 2009 when the Austin City Council passed the Urban Farm Ordinance. The purpose is to establish a single point of contact and streamline the process for establishing community gardens on city land.

Community Garden Permits
City of Austin endorsed community gardens are places where volunteers grow food for themselves and their communities. The Community Garden Program Coordinator works with groups who want to start new gardens on city land and helps to connect existing gardens with resources like technical assistance, and gardening supplies. There are currently 29 community gardens on city land, including senior gardens, a food forest and teaching gardens.
Community Garden Permits are not required for gardens on private land. This includes land owned by a non-profit organization, faith-based organization, businesses, single family homes, and apartment buildings.
A map of the current community gardens is linked below.
To join a community garden, reach out to the gardens directly. Contact information can be found on the Coalition of Austin Community Gardens website (see the link below).