
This indicator measures the percentage of patients who are experiencing a Stroke and accept care by EMS who are taken to an appropriate STEMI specialty care facility.

Why is this important?

Patients who are experiencing a Stroke should be transported to a designated Stroke specialty care facility that will be able to provide definitive care in the most appropriate method based on the patient’s condition.


NOTE: We recently reviewed and updated our clinical audit processes. As part of the update, we adjusted data filters to ensure consistent measurement across the various clinical indicators we report. These changes may result in a small amount of variation from previously reported results.


This measure relates to our Strategic Goals for Service and Finance- S1, S2, S3, F2, and F3:

S1: To be an organization that strives to improve the lives of people in our community.

S2: To have a service delivery model that best serves the needs of our community.

S3: To be an organization that puts service before self.

F2: To be an organization that provides value to the community.

F3: To provide quality cost efficient service to the community.


Performance Measure Definition

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