Payment Options

Attention: The City of Austin has switched to a new online payment system as of March 16, 2022

Thank you for choosing Citybase to manage your Austin-Travis County EMS payments. From the Citybase online portal, you can make secure payments on your Austin-Travis County EMS account(s). You have the option to make a one-time payment or schedule recurring monthly payments. Please have your invoice you intend to pay available to complete the required fields in the Citybase online portal. 

  • To make a one-time payment, click the One-Time Payment button below to proceed to the Citybase online payment portal. 
  • To schedule recurring monthly payments, click the Recurring Payment button below to proceed to the Austin Finance Online site. From this site you will be able to create your payment schedule, set up and save your payment method, update existing payment schedules, stop a recurring payment schedule, and update your saved payment method in the secure Citybase online portal. Important note when scheduling recurring payments: You must schedule your payments at least three (3) days in advance of when you want the first payment to occur. If your recurring payment is not scheduled at least three (3) days in advance, your recurring payment will not take effect until the following month. 
  • Instructions for each payment type are also linked below.

Please contact our Billing Office with any questions at 512-972-7210, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or  

One-Time Payment One-Time Payment Instructions (PDF) 

Recurring Payment Recurring Payment Instructions (PDF)

EMS Discount Program

ATCEMS began its discount program in 2009 to assist the uninsured or underinsured who have received emergency ambulance services. The department updated the program for services provided on or after Oct. 1, 2020.

Program guidelines are based on your date of service:


question mark icon Find answers to frequently asked questions about billing and medical records here. 


If you would like to help support City of Austin Emergency Medical Services Department's community outreach and public education efforts, please visit their page here to make a donation.