City of Austin
Contact: hsemmedia

Learn to prepare for winter weather, other hazards.
To help prepare the community, Austin’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management will host its next Emergency Preparedness Pop-Up at the Carver Branch Library on Wednesday, November 20 from 4-7 p.m. This pop-up event is part of a monthly series hosted by HSEM in each City Council District throughout the year on the third Wednesday of each month.
Event: Emergency Preparedness Pop-Up Event
Time: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 / 4-7 p.m.
Location: Carver Branch Library, 1161 Angelina St., Austin, TX 78702
Representatives from HSEM along with other City departments and partners in emergency response will be on site to provide tips, information, and supplies. The first 25 guests will receive an emergency supply kit, with a limit of one per household.
Emergency Preparedness Pop-ups are an opportunity for the Central Texas community to explore preparedness, and stock up on free supplies. Our Basic Emergency Preparedness Kits include items that can value over $100 including a backpack, lanterns, glow sticks, battery powered chargers, NOAA weather radios, Neighborhood Preparedness Guides, and items for kids and pets. Central Texas is vulnerable to a spectrum of risks, ranging from winter storms to extreme heat, and flooding to wildfires. These events offer a chance for our community to learn what they need to do before, during, and after the next emergency.
For more information including a full event schedule, visit ReadyCentralTexas.org.