Prepare for Flooding
The City of Austin encourages you to prepare for flooding. Turn Around, Don't Drown!
Here are some essential emergency preparedness tips for flooding season:
- Make a plan: Create an emergency plan with your family that includes designated meeting spots and emergency contacts. Make sure everyone knows what to do and practice your plan.
- Build an emergency kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essentials such as non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, first-aid supplies, and any necessary medications. Don't forget to include supplies for pets.
- Know Your Neighbors: By knowing your neighbors and building a strong network, you can increase your community's readiness level in an emergency.
- Stay informed: Keep your cell phone charged or a battery-powered radio to monitor local weather conditions. Sign up for emergency notifications from to receive important information during emergencies.
- Protect your property: Secure loose items such as outdoor furniture and garden tools that could become dangerous projectiles during high winds. Keep trees trimmed to prevent damage from falling branches.
- Turn off utilities: Know how to turn off gas, water, and electricity in case of an emergency.
- Flood recovery: Safely check your property and/or automobile for any damage. If you see any damage, take photos for insurance purposes. Be aware of potential scams looking to take advantage of damage from the storm. Work with your insurance representative to find reputable businesses for any needed repairs.
- Watershed Protection
Before a Flood:
- Clean out drains and gutters.
- Keep drainage easements clear; do not dump debris into creeks.
- Gather supplies to last for several days, including non-perishable foods, water, and cleaning supplies.
- Keep a charged cell phone or battery-powered radio handy for weather updates.
- Sign up for regional emergency notifications at
- Store important documents in a watertight container and create password-protected digital copies.
- Move valuables to higher levels in case of flooding.
- Make a family and pet emergency plan; consider whether you want to stay at home or find shelter with friends or family.
- Prepare an emergency kit with essentials like food, water, medications, documents, and first aid supplies.
- Turn off electricity and gas if you decide to leave your home and it is safe to do so.
During a Flood:
- If you must travel, stay away from creeks, trails, culverts, ponds, and drainage infrastructure.
- Check for road closures on as roads may flood before homes.
- Never drive through high water or around barricades.
- Slow down on wet roads; water covering roads is hard to see at night.
- Avoid contact with floodwater due to health risks, including hazardous materials and bacteria.
- If water is rising, get to higher ground.
Digital Resources
- Follow @ATXFloods on X for information about flooding.
- Visit for real-time road closures.
- Visit for preparedness information.
Austin 911
- If you need emergency assistance, call 911.
Austin 3-1-1
- To report current flooding issues, downed or malfunctioning traffic signals, or debris in the roadway, report the issue on the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app, or call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000.
- Development Services Department
Weather hazards may lead to property damage and potential hazards after a flood.
After a flood
- Return to your home only when local authorities have advised that it is safe to do so.
- Do not cut or walk past caution tape that was placed over doors or windows to mark damaged areas or if a building inspector has placed a color-coded sign on your home.
- This site may be unsafe for children and pets, consider leaving them with a relative or friend while you conduct the first home-safety inspection of your home after the disaster.
Before entering your home
- Make a careful and thorough inspection of your home’s structural elements:
- Check the outside of your home for loose power lines, broken or damaged gas lines, foundation cracks, or missing support beams.
- Don’t force a jammed door open. It may be providing support to the rest of your home.
- Smell for gas. If you detect natural or propane gas, or hear a hissing noise, leave the property immediately and get far away from it. Call the fire department after you reach safety.
- If you have a propane tank system, turn off all valves and contact a propane supplier to check the system before using it again.
After you have assessed the damage, you may begin repairs immediately to prevent further damage to your building or property. Learn more about safely permitting emergency repairs at
Tenants who experience unresolved code violations, can request a Code Inspector by calling Austin 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000.
- Austin Water
Austin Water encourages customers to take steps now to prepare for weather hazards. Following a few, easy steps now will help customers protect their property and prevent damage.
Locate your water shutoff. Locate the water main shutoff valve and keep it clear of debris and obstacles at all times. For most homes, the property owner’s shutoff valve is on your side of the water meter at the meter box. For renters, please consult with your property manager. If you cannot find your shutoff valve or if it is damaged, then you should be prepared to access the City shutoff valve in the meter box in an emergency. You may need a water meter key to open the meter box, which can be purchased at most hardware stores. Watch a video about how to locate your water shutoff.
Stay Informed:
- Sign up for Austin Water’s My ATX Water customer portal.
- Austin Water’s 24-Hour Emergency Hotline can be reached at 512-972-1000, Option 1.
- Customers are also urged to tune in for Austin utility emergency alerts by bookmarking and
- Follow Austin Water on social media:
- Austin Energy
In case of a power outage:
- Unplug appliances and turn off most lights to avoid overloading circuits when power is restored.
- Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed during an outage and follow FDA guidelines for food safety.
Electrical Safety Tips:
- Do not drive over or go near a downed power line, as it could be energized. Call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000 if you see a downed line to report it. If the line is sparking, call 911.
- If you see limbs on wires or see downed tree limbs, please call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000 to report them.
Stay Informed
- To report a power outage, text OUT to 287846 or visit You can also report an outage by calling 512-322-9100.
- Register for Austin Energy’s Outage Alerts by texting REG to 287846.
- Monitor ERCOT grid conditions at for information impacting local and statewide electricity service.
- Customers are also urged to tune in for Austin utility emergency alerts by bookmarking,
- Follow Austin Energy on social media:
- Austin Transportation & Public Works
Before driving during heavy rains:
- Approach intersections with caution and always treat dark signals as an all-way stop
- Turn Around, Don't Drown. Cars can be washed away in as little as six inches if water.
- Check for updated weather conditions.
- Avoid low water crossings and do not drive, walk or swim around barricades.
- Check tire pressure and tread.
- Make sure windshield wipers and lights are functioning.
- Keep an emergency kit with the following items in your vehicle:
- Jumper cables
- Flares or reflective triangle
- Car cell phone charger
- Cat litter or sand for better tire traction
- Austin Travis County EMS
The best advice for flooding season is to remain indoors if at all possible and remain “weather aware.” Stay tuned to local weather forecasts for weather advisories, traffic updates, and road closures.
Keep your phone and other media devices fully charged in case of a power outage and consider a battery- or solar-powered weather alert or AM/FM radio for your residence to keep you informed in the event of a power failure.