


Mailing Address

Housing and Planning Department
Attn: ICRC
P.O. Box 1088
Austin, TX 78767

Social Media

Public Input 

Public testimony can be submitted at the beginning of each Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) meeting. To see when the commission will next meet, previous agendas, and past letters from the public, visit the ICRC meetings page.

Comments and questions can also be submitted by emailphone, or to our mailing address. Please provide specific details regarding the area of your concern, such as bordering streets and major landmarks.

Emails sent to the ICRC will become public record and posted to meeting documents as backup; the sender’s email address will be redacted.

Job Openings 

There are currently no open positions with the ICRC.

The 2031 ICRC will post jobs and contracting opportunities in spring/summer 2031, but if you have relevant redistricting skills, please email or write to us at our mailing address.

2031 Commission Applications 

Applications for the 2031 commission will be accepted in 2030.

Additional Inquiries 

  • To contact an individual commissioner;
  • to schedule us to speak with your organization or group; 
  • to make a media request;
  • or for all other inquiries,
