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A graphic with a young woman superhero that reads: "Join us for the Emergency Preparedness Pop-up. Next pop-up: January 15th, 3 P.M.-6 P.M., John Gillum Branch (North Village) Library. 2505 Steck Ave.  Locations change monthly. Join us every third Wednesday of the month! For more details go to ReadyCentralTexas.org."

Join us for our Emergency Preparedness Pop-Up on Wed. January 15, 3 to 6 p.m. at the John Gillum (North Village) Branch Library, 2505 Steck Ave. The first 25 guests will receive an emergency supply kit. Limit 1 per household. Visit www.ReadyCentralTexas.org for the complete pop-up schedule.
Acompáñanos para el Evento de Preparación para Emergencias el miércoles 15 de enero de 3 a 6 p.m. en la Biblioteca Pública de la John Gillum (North Village) Branch de Austin, 2505 Steck Ave. Los primeros 25 invitados recibirán un kit de suministros de emergencia. Límite de 1 por hogar. Visite www.ReadyCentralTexas.org para ver el horario de los eventos.

John Gillum Branch (North Village) Library
2505 Steck Ave.
Austin, TX 78757
United States