Austin Live Music Fund
About the Austin Live Music Fund
The fund is currently closed to applications. Stay tuned for updates!
The Austin Live Music Fund encourages, promotes, improves, and showcases Austin’s diverse music industry through supporting a wide array of activities marketed to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, including live and online events open to the public; studio, video and merchandise production; promotional tours outside of Austin; broadcasting; and, tourism marketing and promotional campaigns.
Survey: Cultural Arts & Music Funding
We want to hear your thoughts!
Our cultural arts and music programming is designed to support the creative ecosystem in Austin. Share your thoughts on Thrive, Elevate, Nexus, and the Austin Live Music Fund to inform future programming. This survey will be open through July 2025.
2024 Austin Live Music Fund Awardees
See the full list or view a summary dashboard of the FY24 Austin Live Music Fund grant applicants and recipients.
About the Austin Live Music Fund
The "Live Music Fund" was established by City of Austin Ordinance No. 20190919-149, and pilot guidelines were developed based on direction from the Music Commission to prioritize the core principles of Preservation, Innovation, and Elevation & Collaboration (PIE). In February 2022, Music Commission Recommendation 20220207-3b recommended that Live Music Venues are eligible to apply in 2024.
Application Assistance
The 2024 Austin Live Music Fund application will be open from Tuesday, May 21, through Tuesday, June 18, 7pm CST. The program supports Professional Musicians and Independent Promoters with $15,000 or $30,000 grant awards and Live Music Venues with $30,000 or $60,000 grant awards.
- Virtual Workshop and Q&A Sessions happened Tuesday, May 28, and Tuesday, June 4
- E-mail music@austintexas.gov for links to the recordings
- Download the Virtual Workshop and Q&A Session presentation ¦ Descargue la presentación del taller en español
- JOIN Virtual Open Office Hours happening 1–3 pm on Tuesday, June 11, and Tuesday, June 18*
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions section below for answers to the latest applicant questions
- For application help, including with application questions and program guidelines, contact Create Austin at The Long Center at ApplicationHelp@thelongcenter.org or call (512) 457-5161, Monday–Friday, from 9–11am*
- For application technical support, including creating or logging into your Submittable application account and other online technical issues, refer to the Submittable Applicant and Technical Support Guide or contact Create Austin at The Long Center at CityofAustinGrants@thelongcenter.org*
Visit Create Austin at The Long Center - Austin Live Music Fund for additional helpful resources*
*Asistencia en español disponible
Application Preview
- Application Questions - Professional Musicians / Independent Promoters
Narrative – No awarded points; for information purposes only- Explain the following:
- How will the investment of any awarded grant funds improve and grow your business?
- How will the investment of any awarded grant funds attract tourists and convention delegates to Austin?
- How will the investment of any awarded grant funds improve and grow your business?
Limited Access to Services – Up to 35 Points- Is the applicant’s home address located in a Qualified Census Tract?
- Are other languages other than English spoken in the applicant’s household?
- How long has the applicant been banking with a traditional bank or credit union?
- When was a commercial loan, line-of-credit, or other type of commercial lending last secured for the applicant’s business?
- Were you awarded grant funding from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division in Fiscal Year 2023, including funding programs Elevate, Nexus, and Thrive?
- What is the applicant’s healthcare coverage?
- What percentage of the applicant’s current income is derived from professional music activities?
Local Economic Impact – Up to 30 Points- How have the applicant’s past activities supported Austin’s economy, including creatives, tourism, and local businesses?
Programming & Outreach – Up to 20 Points- How have the applicant’s past activities expanded audiences and amplified Austin’s diverse arts and culture sector?
- Tourism Marketing Plan Budget – The budget should include paid and unpaid strategies for how the applicant will market and promote the grant-funded activities to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, as well as local audiences.
Accessibility – Up to 30 Points- Have the applicant’s past activities provided accessibility features for participating audiences with disabilities? Examples include American Sign Language interpretation, materials in braille, online accessibility tools, architectural features, and nondiscrimination policies.
- Have the applicant’s past activities provided programming for non-English speaking communities?
- Have the applicant’s past activities been open to the public and easily accessible?
Previous City of Austin Funding – 15 Points- Did the applicant receive grant funding from the 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program?
Grant Award Budget – No awarded points; for information purposes only- The budget must show how the grant funds will be used to pay eligible expenses.
Tourism Marketing Plan Budget – Programming & Outreach awarded points listed above
- The budget should include paid and unpaid marketing strategies for how the applicant will market and promote the grant-funded activities to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, as well as local audiences. See the Frequently Asked Questions section for more details.
- Explain the following:
- Application Questions - Live Music Venues
Narrative – No awarded points; for information purposes only.- Explain the following:
- How will the investment of any awarded grant funds improve and grow your business?
- How will the investment of any awarded grant funds attract tourists and convention delegates to Austin?
- How will the investment of any awarded grant funds improve and grow your business?
Limited Access to Services – Up to 20 Points- Is the applicant’s Live Music Venue located in the Qualified Census Tract?
- How long has the applicant been banking with a traditional bank or credit union?
- When was a commercial loan, line-of-credit, or other type of commercial lending last secured for the applicant?
- Does the applicant provide healthcare coverage?
Local Economic Impact – Up To 25 Points- How have the applicant’s past activities supported Austin’s economy, including creatives, tourism, and local businesses?
Programming & Outreach – Up to 20 Points- How have the applicant’s past activities expanded audiences and amplified Austin’s diverse arts and culture sector?
- Tourism Marketing Plan Budget – The budget should include paid and unpaid strategies for how the applicant will market and promote the grant-funded activities to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, as well as local audiences.
Accessibility – Up to 20 Points- Have the applicant’s past activities provided accessibility features for participating audiences with disabilities? Examples include American Sign Language interpretation, materials in braille, online accessibility tools, architectural features, and nondiscrimination policies.
- Have the applicant’s past activities provided programming for non-English speaking audiences?
Previous City of Austin Funding – 10 Points- Has the applicant received grant funding from the City of Austin Economic Development Department in the last year?
Grant Award Budget – No awarded points; for information purposes only- The budget must show how the grant funds will be used to pay eligible expenses.
Tourism Marketing Plan Budget – Programming & Outreach awarded points listed above
- The budget should include paid and unpaid marketing strategies for how the applicant will market and promote the grant-funded activities to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, as well as local audiences. See the Frequently Asked Questions section for more details.
- Explain the following:
- Application Documentation - Required Evidence
Applicants must upload evidence for each eligibility requirement, as well as for each selected multiple-choice answer to receive points. Uploads may consist of web links to your evidence—which can be entered directly into the application form—or as multiple document uploads of evidence, including screenshots, scans, and photos of online and physical materials.Please refer to this webpage if you are using a Mac before you start. Apple files are not supported and cannot be uploaded in this application.
Acceptable file upload types for all computer operating systems (PC and Mac) include .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .mp3, .wav, .mov, .mp4, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, and .xlsx
Application Answers – All Applicants
Applicants must provide uploaded documentation to support their scored application answers, including:
- Evidence of local economic impact, accessibility, and programming outreach, including executed agreements, reservations, receipts, photos, and such marketing placements as a website, e-newsletter, social media, and printed publications.
Eligibility – Professional Musicians & Independent PromotersTo confirm eligibility to process an application, documentation must demonstrate active participation for at least 2 years, including:
- Professional Musician: Applicant has regularly performed solo or as part of a band in live performances to public audiences for at least 2 years; or, evidence of 6 released recordings, or evidence of 6 promotionally released music videos.
- Independent Promoter: Applicant has curated and promoted live shows featuring musicians and bands for at least 2 years; must not be contractually tied to one venue; and has no more than 3 employees.
- Acceptable Documentation to confirm eligibility as a "Professional Musician" and an "Independent Promoter" include:
- Current resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
- Current biography
- Screenshot or PDF of LinkedIn work history
- Press demonstrating involvement within the music sector
- Portfolio (web links, screenshots, printouts, scans, etc.)
- Marketing materials for performances, exhibitions, showings, productions, collections, or recitals.
- Materials showing merchandise created and sold, including screenshots of websites that exhibit or sell the applicant's products
- Credits or liner notes
- Purchased advertising to Austin residents
- Contracts for performances, exhibitions, showings, commissions, recitals, productions, or production services
- Letter from employer or manager stating role and involvement in the music sector
- Website screenshot of events or concert schedule with location
Eligibility – Live Music VenuesApplicants must provide documentation supporting their eligibility as a Live Music Venue, including:
- Photos of performance and audience spaces, mixing desk, PA system, lighting rig, and backline
- Employee documentation for sound engineer, booker, promoter, stage manager, or security personnel, including Forms W-2, W-9, 941, or 1099
- Evidence of marketing placements, hours of operation coinciding with performances, ticketing, and frequency of live music performances through a website, social media, and print publications
- Previous year operating budget or profit & loss statement to determine grant award amount (accounting software and applications can easily generate this information)
Applicant Frequently Asked Questions
- Applicant Eligibility
What does “released” mean in the “Professional Musician” definition?
Publicly distributed. We’ll accept evidence of your records or CDs in retail stores, as well as recordings released through Bandcamp, Soundcloud, YouTube, your own webpage, or any other streaming service.
What percentage of band members must live in the MSA?
The lead applicant must reside in the MSA, and at least 51% of the remaining performers in the band must live in the MSA.
To be considered a qualifying “Professional Musician” or “Independent Promoter”, do I have to have 2 years of experience in Austin or anywhere?
Anywhere. And your qualifying experience doesn’t have to be from the last two years but from anytime.
If a band has been performing together for only 6 months, but each of the individual musicians in the band have been professionally playing music for well over two years, is the band eligible to apply?
Yes. Provide any evidence to demonstrate at least two years of professional musician experience as the lead applicant.
Why can’t I receive grant funding from both the “Live Music Fund” (2024 Austin Live Music Fund) and the “Cultural Arts Fund” (2024 Nexus / Elevate / Thrive) in the same City of Austin fiscal year? The projects would be completely unrelated.
The City of Austin Ordinance No. 20190919-149 establishing the Live Music Fund by Mayor and City Council explicitly states that the Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue sourcing the Live Music Fund is for eligible local music activities that are not funded through the Cultural Arts Fund.
As a reminder, the City of Austin Fiscal Year runs from October 1st through September 30th of the following year. For example, the City of Austin Fiscal Year 2024 is October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
I received a 2023 Nexus award as an independent promoter in 2023. Can I receive an award from the 2024 Austin Live Music Fund?
Yes. You are eligible for a 2024 award even if you received funding from the 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program, 2023 Nexus, or 2023 Elevate programs.
I just applied for the 2024 Nexus grant, which closed on May 14, 2024. Can I accept an award from Nexus then change my mind if I apply for and am awarded from the 2024 Austin Live Music Fund?
If you are awarded a 2024 Nexus grant award from the application that just closed, you must accept or decline the award by June 17, 2024, which will be explained in the award notification email that will be sent after the evaluations are complete for all applicants.
If you choose to accept the award, you will not be eligible to accept an award for the 2024 Austin Live Music Fund.
If you forget to accept or decline by the deadline of June 17, you will be automatically opted into accepting the award and will be ineligible for a 2024 Austin Live Music Fund award.
If you didn't receive a 1st round 2024 Nexus award, you are eligible for an Austin Live Music Fund award.
I applied for a 2024 Austin Live Music Fund grant and was awarded. But now I have decided to decline the award to apply for another program about to open (Elevate and/or Thrive). Is this possible?
You may change your selection in your Submittable account if done so by the award acceptance deadline listed in the 2024 Austin Live Music Fund award notification e-mail received through your Submittable account.
I forgot to complete the step to accept the grant award by the acceptance deadline in my Submittable account! Can I simply not sign the grant agreement to apply for another grant program about to open?
No. If you forget to accept the award by the deadline, you will be assigned as "awarded” for the grant. The acceptance deadline exists to ensure the City meets the total annual award budget allocated for the funding program. The deadline provides the window of time needed to award the next eligible applicant.
I can’t decide what grant I should apply for and accept since I’m eligible for them all—please tell me what to do!
The City of Austin and its partners cannot advise you on what grant application is the best fit or which award you should accept. This is up to you to decide based on the guidelines for each program and your preferences.
How many pieces of documenting evidence am I required to upload to support my eligibility and application answers?
You must provide evidence for each eligibility requirement. For scored points for application questions, you must provide evidence for each selected multiple-choice answer. Evidence may be uploaded to your submittable account as web links or as files. You can paste multiple links directly into the application form, as well as upload documents, screenshots, scans, and photos of online or physical materials.
Please refer to this webpage if you are using a Mac before you start. Apple files are not supported and cannot be uploaded in this application. Acceptable file upload types for all computer operating systems (PC and Mac) include .doc, .docx, .pdf, .jpg, .png, .mp3, .wav, .mov, .mp4, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, and .xlsx
“Professional Musician” or “Independent Promoter” Eligibility: Upload documenting evidence that prove you have been performing or promoting shows for at least two years, including links to or digital images of marketing materials for live shows, music videos & recordings, band & show merchandise, contracts for performances and recordings.
"Live Music Venue" Eligibility: Upload documenting evidence that prove you fit the Live Music Venue definition, including links to or digital images of performance and audience spaces, mixing desk, PA system, lighting rig, and backline; employee documentation for sound engineer, booker, promoter, stage manager, or security personnel, including Forms W-2, W-9, or 1099; marketing placements, hours of operation coinciding with performances, ticketing, and frequency of live music performances through a website, social media, and print publications; and, a previous year operating budget or profit & loss statement to determine grant award amount.
Does it matter how your business as a “Professional Musician” or “Independent Promoter” is legally formed?
No. Any application questions about your business type are for data purposes only. You may skip these questions where allowed, including the question about an EIN number, or select “prefer not to answer” from the multiple-choice answers.
For the limit on 3 staff for independent promotors, does that apply to independent contractors working on the project?
No. Only applies to fulltime employees, including the lead applicant. To be clear: "fulltime" means anyone who works day in and day out for the promotion company as their primary job.
I’m eligible as an independent promoter but want to use the grant funds to start a new music business, specifically a venue. Is this allowed?
No. Although you’re eligible as a promoter, start-up costs for a new business are not allowed expenses.
Are DJs eligible to apply?
Yes. DJs are eligible to apply as professional musicians.
Are music producers eligible to apply?
“Music Producer” is not an eligibility category, which includes “Professional Musician, “Independent Promoter” and “Live Music Venue”. However, you can fit one of these categories and still be a music producer.
Can two applicants living in the same home apply for the grant?
Yes. As long as each applicant fits an eligibility category and is the lead applicant for separate bands / promotion companies / live music venues.
- Application Questions & Eligible Expenses
What if locations, dates, times, and talent are not yet confirmed for the activities I would like to pay for with awarded grant funds?
Unlike the 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program, the 2024 program is not awarding specific future projects. Instead, grant funds may cover any eligible expense if the related activities are being marketed and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates. Evidence and outcomes of these promotions will be required as part of your Final Report.
Is there any advantage or disadvantage to selecting the $15,000 grant award versus the $30,000 grant award?
No. All applicants are scored the same regardless of the grant amount chosen. You should have a budget for the amount you are requesting in mind as you apply. If $30,000 seems like too much for your needs, select $15,000 so that more funds are available for other potential awardees.
What is the approximate timeline after June 18, 2024, for grant activities to begin if I’m awarded?
Grant agreements are for up to 24 months from the date the agreement is executed by your signature. However, awarded grant funds may reimburse eligible expenses spent after the grant application closes, starting on June 19, 2024. Just remember that all grant funded activities must be promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates.
Is the City of Austin Musician Pay Rate per session or is it the total one-time payment minimum for all activities per musician during the grant agreement period?
The City of Austin pay rate is for paying each performance hour per musician and is a minimum; you may pay over this rate if a guarantee is more for a particular performance. Once you decide what portion of your grant is for paying musicians, be sure you have the receipts to evidence that the payments meet the City of Austin standard rate.
As an awarded musician or promoter, can I pay myself for the work I do to produce my activities, including event production and studio production, while also getting paid to perform?
Yes. Be sure you can evidence the value of each role you covered to produce your promoted eligible activities.
For Professional Musicians, what are examples of disability access when this is usually a feature of the venue?
Accessibility features could be part of your website, promotional videos, record liners, promotional materials, or as a contractor for your band, including online video captions; website is written in plain English, is easily organized, and considers color / contrast; keyboard-only navigation; text-to-speech features; using ASL interpreters for live shows, etc. Learn more from the Guidance on Web Accessibility and the ADA.
Would having letters of support from partnering businesses strengthen an application? For example, hiring a videographer for promotion.
Letters of support do not provide additional points beyond the required documentation to evidence your multiple-choice answers.
If I intend to use grant funds to hire a local venue space and musicians for a release show, but I donate all the door to a charity, does this violate the prohibition on using grant funds for fundraisers?
Yes. The promoted activity cannot be a fundraiser, which violates the rules for the funds.
If you are a touring act, would it be better to do a grant application asking for funding for a nationwide / international tour, or to help fund an Austin date on the tour?
The grant application does not score for future proposed projects. If awarded, you may use the funds as outlined in the program guidelines, including tour expenses if there is a corresponding cultural tourism marketing plan and the marketing requirements are included in all promotional materials.
Can multiple awardees combine their grant awards to pay for the same promoted activities?
Yes. Remember that payments for specific expenses cannot overlap since City funds cannot pay for the same expense twice.
Studio time, merchandise production, and CD/record distribution are allowed?
Yes. These activities are eligible expenses if the activities are marketed and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates to Austin. For example, you could take part of the budget to cover the costs of video edits of recording sessions for boosted digital placements about the coming public-facing end-product in Austin, like a record release show or a heritage festival. Or it could be marketing the resulting record to potential tourists.
Always remember that award funds are sourced from hotel/motel occupancy taxes, which are intended to support cultural experiences that draw visitors to Austin (and stay in hotels). Market and promote your activities like you normally would in order to expand your fan-base—take every opportunity to promote to potential audiences while recording, touring, making music videos, etc.
Is a business plan required?
No. But a Grant Award Budget is part of the application, which allows you to list how you could spend grant funds on eligible expenses.
I have a regular gig in Austin where I invite different musicians to play at each show. Does this qualify as an eligible activity?
Yes. Regularly scheduled and ongoing events qualify as long as expenses take place after the application closing date (June 18, 2024), events are open to the public, and activities are marketing and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates.
- Tourism Marketing Budget
I’m not sure about a marketing plan geared to convention delegates and tourists. Everything we do is already geared towards tourists, including performing at downtown venues, ticketed events, festivals, etc. How can I show this in my marketing plan?
Typical marketing strategies to promote live shows, like social media campaigns and local show listings, do indeed reach visiting tourists and convention delegates; although you could expand the plan to include contacting hotels with show information and adding your events to the Visit Austin Event Calendar to better target visitors.
A marketing plan should also include expanding audiences outside of Austin to reach new fans and potential tourists and convention delegates. Targeted online campaigns promoting album and merch sales, as well as radio promotions in other cities are great strategies for earning more revenue while discovering where your fans are outside of Austin.
What does "Tourism Market Location" mean?
Tourism Market Location is the geographic area you are targeting with your marketing campaigns, whether in other Texas cities, outside of Texas, or internationally. It's ok if you are not sure what market locations to target—the section is included to simply alert applicants that campaign targeting is part of any tourism marketing plan.
Is hiring a publicist considered a marketing strategy?
No. Publicity and marketing are completely separate. Attracting publicity is a subjective endeavor and can be unreliable, as no one can guarantee if a story will be picked up by an editor and then prominently promoted. Unfortunately, it's difficult to calculate the return on your investment for hiring a publicist.
Marketing strategies, whether paid or unpaid, are guaranteed placements that you can evaluate as effective or not based on outcomes like ticket sales, online analytics, or social media engagement. You can then tweak and retarget a marketing plan to better perform based on your evaluation of the outcomes so far.
2024 Grant Guidelines
Download the Grant Guidelines in English
Download the Grant Guidelines in Spanish
- Core Principles
Music Commission Recommendation 20201019-2bii recommended that a Preservation, Innovation and Elevation & Collaboration (P.I.E.) fund be established from the Live Music Fund to create greater equitable economic growth in the music sector. Based on this direction, the core principals of P.I.E. inform the 2024 Austin Live Music Fund, including the grant awardee commitment to participate in free training to create an equity strategic plan as part of the grant award final report. - Cultural Tourism
The Austin Live Music Fund is sourced through Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax revenues, which must be used for specific allowable uses per State of Texas statute, including promotion of the arts and to “promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry”. Austin Live Music Fund grant funded activities must therefore be marketed and promoted to visiting and potential Austin tourists and convention delegates.
- Applicant Eligibility
Professional Musician- Definition (must meet at least one of the following items)
- At least 2 years of documentation showing the applicant has regularly performed as a professional musician—solo or as part of a band—in live performances to public audiences
- Or, 6 released recordings (singles)
- Or, 6 promotionally released music videos
- Requirements (must meet all of the following requirements)
- Professional musicians who live in the Austin–Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and perform solo or in a band (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “Austin–Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area”).
- Only one application per solo musician / band, and applicant is not eligible to also apply as an Independent Promoter.
- Musicians may perform in multiple bands receiving awards; however, a lead applicant may only qualify for one application.
- Unless a promotional tour, public activities must take place in a City of Austin Council District or the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) and include at least 51% of performers who fit the definition of "Professional Musician" and live in the MSA (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction”).
- Activities must be marketed and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates.
- Professional Musicians compensated through grant funds are paid at least the City of Austin musician pay rate outlined in Resolution No. 20230720-123 (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “City of Austin Musician Pay Rate”)
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Beginning in Fiscal Year 2025, Professional Musicians and Independent Promoters cannot receive awards in two consecutive City of Austin fiscal years; therefore, if an applicant is awarded in Fiscal Year 2024, they will not be eligible to apply again until Fiscal Year 2026 (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “City of Austin Fiscal Year”)
Independent Promoter- Definition (must meet all of the following items)
- No more than 3 staff
- And, at least 2 years of documentation showing the applicant has curated and promoted live shows featuring musicians and bands
- And, must not be contractually tied to one venue
- Requirements (must meet all of the following requirements)
- Independent live music promoters who live in the Austin–Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and regularly curate shows for the public (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “Austin–Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area”)
- Only one application per independent promoter, and the applicant is not eligible to also apply as a Professional Musician
- Unless a promotional tour, public activities must take place in a City of Austin Council District and/or the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) and include at least 51% performers who fit the City of Austin definition for "Professional Musician" and live in the MSA
- Activities must be marketed and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates
- Professional Musicians compensated through grant funds are paid at least the City of Austin musician pay rate outlined in Resolution No. 20230720-123 (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “City of Austin Musician Pay Rate”)
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Beginning in Fiscal Year 2025, Professional Musicians and Independent Promoters cannot receive awards in two consecutive City of Austin fiscal years; therefore, if an applicant is awarded in Fiscal Year 2024, they will not be eligible to apply again until Fiscal Year 2026 (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “City of Austin Fiscal Year”)
Live Music Venue- Definition
- An establishment where live music programming is the principal function of the business and/or the business is a live music destination, and where the venue establishes the ability of an artist to receive payment for work by percentage of sales, guarantee, or other mutually beneficial formal agreement for every performance. A live music venue is a destination for live music consumers, and/or its music programming is the primary driver of its business as indicated by the presence of at least five (5) of the following:
- Defined performance and audience space
- Mixing desk, PA system, and lighting rig
- Backline
- At least two of the following:
- (i) Sound engineer
- (ii) Booker
- (iii) Promoter
- (iv) Stage manager
- (v) Security personnel
- e) Charges admission to some music performances through ticketing or front door entrance fees
- f) Markets acts through show listings in printed and electronic publications
- g) Hours of operation coincide with performances
- h) Programs live music at least five nights a week
- An establishment where live music programming is the principal function of the business and/or the business is a live music destination, and where the venue establishes the ability of an artist to receive payment for work by percentage of sales, guarantee, or other mutually beneficial formal agreement for every performance. A live music venue is a destination for live music consumers, and/or its music programming is the primary driver of its business as indicated by the presence of at least five (5) of the following:
- Requirements (must meet all of the following requirements)
- Live Music Venue must be located in a City of Austin Council District or the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction”)
- Activities must be marketed and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates
- Professional Musicians compensated through grant funds are paid at least the City of Austin musician pay rate outlined in Resolution No. 20230720-123 (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “City of Austin Musician Pay Rate”)
- Previous year operating budget or profit & loss statement to determine grant award amount
- Only one application per Live Music Venue
Ineligible Applicants- Applicants who do not fit the definitions and requirements for “Professional Musician”, “Independent Promoter”, and “Live Music Venue” (refer to Glossary of Terms for definitions)
- Applicants who have accepted grant funding from the Cultural Arts Fund in the current Fiscal Year 2024 grant funding cycle (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “Cultural Arts Fund”)
- Applicants who have a “Delinquent Status” with the City of Austin Economic Development Department (refer to Glossary of Terms for definition of “Delinquent Status”)
- Government agencies or public authorities
- Full-time City of Austin employees
- Applicants who are under the age of 18 years old
- Definition (must meet at least one of the following items)
- Grant Award Amounts
The Fiscal Year 2024 Austin Live Music Fund total grant award budget is $4,500,000, which includes:
Professional Musicians / Independent Promoters- $3,500,000 Grant Award Total Budget
- $15,000 or $30,000 Grant Awards
* Beginning in Fiscal Year 2025, Professional Musicians and Independent Promoters cannot receive awards in two consecutive City of Austin fiscal years; therefore, if an applicant is awarded in Fiscal Year 2024, they will not be eligible to apply again until Fiscal Year 2026 (refer to Glossary of Terms for the definition of “City of Austin Fiscal Year”)
- $15,000 or $30,000 Grant Awards
Live Music Venues- $1,000,000 Grant Award Total Budget
- $30,000 Grant Awards – Live Music Venues with operating budgets under $100,000
- $60,000 Grant Awards – Live Music Venues with operating budgets over $100,000
Requirements for all Awardees- Grant award payments happen over a grant agreement period of up to 24 months:
- The first grant award payment is 50% of the total award within 30 days of agreement execution
- The second grant award payment is 40% of the total award with a completed progress report
- The final grant award payment is 10% of the total award with a completed final report
- $3,500,000 Grant Award Total Budget
- Expense Eligibility
Eligible Expenses
*51% of expenses must be spent within the City of Austin Council Districts
*Expenses must cover grant funded activities marketed and promoted to visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates- Commercial Rent – Live Music Venues
- Compensation – Contractors
- Accounting
- Marketing & Street Teams
- Public Events
- Studio and Video Production
- Compensation – Employee Salaries
- Insurance – Live Music Venues
- General Liability
- Insurance – Professional Musician & Independent Promoter
- Event Insurance for Public Events
- Lodging and Travel for Participating Visiting Artists
- Performance Fees / Guarantees
- Stage, Lighting, and Sound Rental
- Studio and Video Production Rental, excluding Capital Expenditures (see “Ineligible Expenses)
- Supplies
- Telephone / Internet
- Tourism Marketing
- Paid Ads
- Merchandise Production
- Posters, Banners, and Signage
- Venue Rental - Public Events Only
Ineligible Expenses
- Awardee travel costs, including gas, flights, hotels, tolls, parking, and ferries
- Expenses paid before the application due date
- Capital costs, including the purchase, construction, and renovation of equipment and property
- Food & hospitality
- Fundraisers and benefits, including entertainment and receptions
- Start-up costs of a new organization
- Consultants who are also employees
- Payments to students or interns whose employment is tied to class credit
- Operating costs not associated with the project
- Purchase of gifts, awards, cash prizes, scholarships, contributions or donations
- Existing debts, fines, contingencies, penalties, interest, or litigation costs
- Taxes other than retail sales and payroll
- Application Scoring
Professional Musicians / Independent PromotersCategory Criteria Available Points Limited Access to Services - Limited access to healthcare and financial lending
- Languages other than English spoken in the household
- High level of dependency on music business income
- Lives in a Qualified Census Tract (QCT)
- No grant funding from the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division in the last year
Up to 35 Points Local Economic Impact - Hires local musicians and other creatives
- Hires local creative spaces (refer to Glossary of Terms for definition of “Creative Spaces”)
- Hires local businesses for operations, i.e. merchandise production, marketing/PR, equipment, storage
Up to 30 Points Programming & Outreach - Programming that expands audiences and amplifies Austin’s diverse arts and culture sectors
- Tourism Marketing strategies to reach visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, as well as local audiences
Up to 20 Points Accessibility - Provides accessibility features for audiences with disabilities
- Programming and features for non-English speaking communities
- Programming open and accessible to the public
Up to 30 Points Previous City of Austin Funding - No grant funding received through the 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program
15 Points
Live Music VenuesCategory Criteria Available Points Limited Access to Services - Limited access to organizational healthcare and business lending
- Located in a Qualified Census Tract (QCT)
Up to 20 Points Local Economic Impact - Hires at least 40% local musicians and other creatives year-round
- Provides subletting opportunities
- Provides free or low-cost temporary space for other creative organizations
- Provides internships and apprenticeships
- Hires local businesses for business operations
Up to 25 Points Programming & Outreach - Programming that expands audiences and amplifies Austin’s diverse arts and culture sectors
- Tourism Marketing strategies to reach visiting and potential tourists and convention delegates, as well as local audiences
Up to 20 Points Accessibility - Provides accessibility features for audiences with disabilities
- Programming and features for non-English speaking communities
Up to 20 Points Previous City of Austin Funding - Did not receive City of Austin grant funding in the previous year
10 points - Grant Awardee Commitments
Applicants must acknowledge and affirm their understanding of the following awardee commitments:
- Professional Musician Compensation
- As directed in Resolution No. 20230720-123, the pay rate for Live Music Fund performances is no less than $200 per musician for groups of up to six people; $150 per musician for groups between seven and ten people; and, $1500 total for groups of musicians of ten or more
- As directed in Resolution No. 20230720-123, the pay rate for Live Music Fund performances is no less than $200 per musician for groups of up to six people; $150 per musician for groups between seven and ten people; and, $1500 total for groups of musicians of ten or more
- Promotional Tours Outside of Austin - Cultural Tourism Marketing Requirements
- The tagline “Austin Live Music Fund Presents” before the musician/band name on all promotional materials
- Tourism marketing plan targeted to potential Austin tourists and convention delegates
- Public Events
- Must be open to everyone
- Event insurance required
- As confirmed, add events to the Visit Austin’s Event Calendar with the submission link for City of Austin awardees
- Training
- Equity Strategic Planning
- Tourism Marketing & Promotion
*Online training options provided at no cost
- City of Austin Marketing Statements
- “Austin Live Music Fund Presents”
- “Support provided in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department”
- "#AustinLiveMusicFund"
- Outcome and Cultural Tourism Marketing Reporting
- Progress Report for the second payment
- Final Report with a completed Equity Strategic Plan for the final payment
*Support provided for Cultural Tourism marketing analytics reporting
- Professional Musician Compensation
- Glossary of Terms
City of Austin Council DistrictThe City of Austin is made up of ten single-member districts. To determine where the address is located, go to https://www.austintexas.gov/GIS/CouncilDistrictMap/ and click “I Want to...” then click “Find my Council District”.
City of Austin Fiscal Year
The City of Austin Fiscal Year runs from October 1st through September 30th of the following year. For example, the City of Austin Fiscal Year 2024 is October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
City of Austin Musician Pay Rate
As directed in Resolution No. 20230720-123, the pay rate for musicians for live City of Austin and Live Music Fund music performances is no less than $200 per musician for groups of up to six people; $150 per musician for groups between seven and ten people; and $1500 total for groups of musicians of ten or more.
Creative Spaces
Commercial locations that include both for profit and nonprofit creative businesses including live music venues, recording studios, performance venues/theaters, museums, art galleries, etc.
Cultural Arts Fund
City of Austin cultural funding grant fund sourced through Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax revenues and facilitated by the City of Austin Cultural Arts Division of the Economic Development Department. The Fiscal Year 2024 grant programs funded through the Cultural Arts Fund are "Nexus", "Elevate", and "Thrive".
Delinquent Status
An Applicant who has failed to comply with or complete all requirements of another Economic Development Department funding program.
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)
Includes the unincorporated land within 5 miles of Austin’s full purpose city limit not within the city limits or ETJ of another city. Austin’s ETJ currently extends into 4 counties including Travis, Williamson, Hays, and Bastrop. To learn where the address is located, go to the Jurisdiction Web Map and click “I Want to...” then click “Find my Jurisdiction”.
Independent Promoter (all of the following requirements)
- No more than 3 staff
- And, at least 2 years of documentation showing the applicant has curated and promoted live shows featuring musicians and bands
- And, must not be contractually tied to one venue
Live Music Fund
City of Austin cultural funding grant fund established by City of Austin Ordinance No. 20190919-149 and sourced through Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax revenues. The City of Austin Music & Entertainment Division of the Economic Development Department facilitates the program. The Fiscal Year 2024 grant program funded through the Live Music Fund is "2024 Austin Live Music Fund".
Live Music Venue
An establishment where live music programming is the principal function of the business and/or the business is a live music destination, and where the venue establishes the ability of an artist to receive payment for work by percentage of sales, guarantee, or other mutually beneficial formal agreement for every performance. A live music venue is a destination for live music consumers, and/or its music programming is the primary driver of its business as indicated by the presence of at least five (5) of the following:
- Defined performance and audience space
- Mixing desk, PA system, and lighting rig
- Backline
- At least two of the following:
- (i) Sound engineer
- (ii) Booker
- (iii) Promoter
- (iv) Stage manager
- (v) Security personnel
- e) Charges admission to some music performances through ticketing or front door entrance fees
- f) Markets acts through show listings in printed and electronic publications
- g) Hours of operation coincide with performances
- h) Programs live music at least five nights a week
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)Austin–Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties. Look up the home address to ensure it’s located in the Austin-Round Rock, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) via the Geocoding Mapping System.
Professional Musician (at least one of the following requirements)
- At least 2 years of documentation showing the applicant has regularly performed as a professional musician—solo or as part of a band—in live performances to public audiences
- Or, 6 released recordings (singles)
- Or, 6 promotionally released music videos
Qualified Census Tract (QCT)
A qualified census tract is a geographic area defined by the Census Bureau in which 50% of households have an income less than 60% of the Area Median Gross Income.
Municipal Hotel Occupancy Taxes
As outlined in State of Texas Statute Chapter 351, municipalities are authorized to charge a tax on individuals staying overnight in hotels or other accommodations, which creates revenue that must be used for one of nine allowable uses, including the promotion of the arts and to “promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry.”
2023 Live Music Fund Event Program
Download the Live Music Fund Event Program Awardees List (PDF, 165 KB). View a summary dashboard for the 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program applicants and awardees.
Austin Live Music Fund Timeline
- 2024
April 1, 2024 – Music Commission Meeting- A presentation of the final 2024 Austin Live Music Fund Program Guidelines was made to the Music Commission.
February 5, 2024 – Music Commission Meeting
- A presentation of the proposed 2024 Austin Live Music Fund Program Guidelines was made to the Music Commission, which includes program improvements based on community feedback.
- A presentation of the final 2024 Austin Live Music Fund Program Guidelines was made to the Music Commission.
- 2023
December 4, 2023 – Music Commission Meeting
- A presentation about Live Music Fund Eligibility – Live Music Venues was made to the Music Commission.
August 2023 – 2023 Awardee Announcement
- Once evaluation and scoring processes are finished by The Long Center for Performing Arts, 2023 Awardees will be announced.
- 2023 awarded project activities take place from August 2023 through July 2024.
July 18, 2023 – Austin Live Music Venue Summit
- 2023 Austin Live Music Venue Summit gathered Austin's live music venue professionals to share the 2023 Austin Live Music Venue Survey results and other helpful resources.
- Survey included feedback from live music venue professionals about upcoming 2024 funding programs, which include Live Music Venues as eligible to apply based on Music Commission Recommendation 20220207-3b.
- Learn what was shared during the summit - 2023 Austin Live Music Venue Summit Presentation (PDF).
May 16, 2023 – Pilot Application Closes
- 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program application closes and evaluation and scoring processes begin.
April 4, 2023 – Pilot Application Opens
- 2023 Live Music Fund Event Program opens application to eligible Professional Musicians and Independent Promoters.
- Contract executed with the Long Center for the Performing Arts to act as the Third-Party Administrator for the cultural funding programs managed by the City of Austin's Economic Development Department.
February 9, 2023 – Request for Council Action
- Request for Council Action for approving Third Party Administrator contract with The Long Center for Performing Arts
- 2022
September to December 2022 – Evaluation and Negotiation
- Evaluation and negotiation with the only Request For Qualifications respondent, The Long Center for Performing Arts.
August 1, 2022 – Solicitation No. Request For Qualifications 5500 TVN4006
- Solicitation published and existing qualified vendors were contacted to apply by August 24th; deadline was extended to August 31 to allow more time for vendor outreach and completed responses.
July 2022 – Request for Qualifications for Third Party Administrator
- Purchasing Department commenced the process for the Request For Qualifications to expedite the solicitation process for identifying a qualified Third Party Administrator.
July 11, 2022 – Music Commission Meeting
- Presentation from Purchasing Department on Third-Party Administrator solicitation process.
- Watch the July 11 Music Commission meeting.
June 21, 2022 – Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission
- HOT Programs Update Presentation from the Economic Development Department (PDF 223KB)
- Listen to the June 21 Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission
May 24, 2022 – Memo to Mayor and Council
May 2, 2022 – Music Commission Meeting
- Based on Commission feedback from April 4 meeting, staff presented final updates to the pilot Live Music Fund Event Program guidelines.
- Watch the May 2 Music Commission meeting.
April 4, 2022 – Music Commission Meeting
- Based on Music Commission Recommendation 20220207-3b, Staff incorporated additional uses of funds into updated Live Music Fund Event Program guidelines. The draft included a 24-month contract term for set $20,000 awards to create less contracts to execute and manage, while providing more impactful and targeted support to local musicians and promoters. However, the Music Commission reiterated their preference for 12-month contracts for $5,000–10,000 awards.
- Watch the April 4 Music Commission meeting.
February 7, 2022 – Music Commission Meeting
- Music Commission Recommendation 20220207-3b: Commission recommends "Option 2" to amend guidelines presented on September 13 according to feedback from the Live Music Fund Stakeholder Working Group formed during the November 1 meeting. The recommendation stated:
- “Includes all eligible uses (live music performance plus music industry production activities which support the music ecosystem) and with Musicians and Independent Promoters as eligible applicants. Includes Live Music Venue Promoter as an eligible applicant in year two of the program. Implements metrics to measure outcomes and to ensure accountability.”
- Watch the February 7 Music Commission meeting.
January 2022 – Relief and Recovery Funding Programs
- The Economic Development Department’s Music and Entertainment Division launches fiscal year 2022 Austin Music Disaster Relief Grant with additional funds authorized through Resolution No. 20210610-077.
- 2021
November 1, 2021 – Music Commission Meeting
- After public comment from local musicians on the latest guidelines for Live Music Fund Event Program presented on September 13, the Commission approved Recommendation 20211101-3c to support but update guidelines around eligibility and additional uses based on feedback from the newly established Live Music Fund Stakeholder Working Group.
- Watch the November 1 Music Commission meeting.
October 4, 2021 – Music Commission Meeting
- Discussion from the Third-Party Administrator Working Group about application questions and solicitation recommendations. Commission voted to deliver the recommendations to the Economic Development Department for incorporation into the application and soliciation processes.
- Listen to the October 4 Music Commission meeting.
September 13, 2021 – Music Commission Meeting
- Presentation on final draft guidelines for the Live Music Fund Event Program, which incorporated community feedback.
- Third-Party Administrator Working Group established to “develop guidelines/recommendations around criteria for the third-party for Live Music Fund”
- Listen to the September 13 Music Commission meeting.
August 23, 2021 – Hispanic / Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Special Called Meeting
- Music & Entertainment Staff Briefing on Live Music Fund Event Program
- Listen to the August 23 Hispanic / Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission Special Called Meeting
August 3, 2021 – African American Resource Advisory Commission Regular Meeting
- Music & Entertainment Staff Briefing on Live Music Fund Event Program
- Listen to the August 3 African American Resource Advisory Commission Regular Meeting
August 2, 2021 – Music Commission Meeting
- Presentation on responses to community feedback on proposed guidelines for the Live Music Fund Event Program
- Watch the August 2 Music Commission meeting.
July 12, 2021 – Music Commission Meeting
- Presentation on proposed guidelines for the Live Music Fund Event Program to gather community feedback
- Watch the July 12 Music Commission meeting.
June 2021 – Relief and Recovery Funding Programs
- Additional funds allocated to Austin Live Music Venue Preservation Fund through Resolution No. 20210610-077 to make payments to additional venues not yet awarded due to lack of funds.
- 2020
December 2020 – Relief and Recovery Funding Programs
- The Economic Development Department’s Music and Entertainment Division launches the fiscal year 2021 Austin Live Music Venue Preservation Fund
December 12, 2020 – Building an Equitable Cultural Funding Review: Arts, Heritage, Music - Meeting 2
- View the Building an Equitable Cultural Funding Review slide deck in English.
- Watch the December 12 meeting.
October 19, 2020 – Music Commission Special Called Meeting
- Live Music Fund Working Group Recommendation – Recommendation - 20201019-2bi.
- Systemic Racism Working Group Recommendation – Recommendation - 20201019-2bii.
- Watch the October 19 Music Commission meeting.
October 7, 2020 – Building an Equitable Cultural Funding Review: Arts, Heritage, Music - Meeting 1
- View the October 7 presentation.
- Watch the October 7 meeting.
September 18, 2020 – Music Commission Special Called Meeting
- Cultural Funding Review Process: Arts, Heritage, Music presentation – update on process for aligning Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funded programs within EDD to prioritize equity.
- Watch the September 18 Music Commission meeting.
August 2020 – Relief and Recovery Funding Programs
- The Economic Development Department’s Music and Entertainment Division launches the fiscal year 2020 Austin Music Disaster Relief Fund second round.
- The Economic Development Department’s Music and Entertainment Division and Cultural Arts Division launches FY20 Austin Creative Worker Relief Grant.
July 6, 2020 – Music Commission Special Called Meeting
- Systemic Racism Working Group established to advise on Live Music Fund and relief and recovery programs.
- MJR Partners presentation to set expectations and goals, define equity, and draft racial equity focused distribution plans for Live Music Fund.
- Watch the July 6 Music Commission meeting.
June 2020 – Relief & Recovery Funding Programs
- The Economic Development Department’s Music and Entertainment Division launches the fiscal year 2020 Austin Creative Space Disaster Relief Program.
- The Economic Development Department’s Music and Entertainment Division launches the fiscal year 2020 Austin Music Disaster Relief Fund.
April 8, 2020 – Music Commission Special Called Meeting
- Approved Recommendation 20200408-2b, which stated that the Live Music Fund should be considered as a last resort for funding pandemic relief and recovery programs and only if reimbursed (relief and recovery programs were subsequently funded through other sources).
- Watch the April 8 Music Commission meeting.
- 2019
December 16, 2019 – Live Music Fund Community Forum
- Gathering of Live Music Fund Working Group, community members, and staff to share priorities for funding and learn the latest information about next steps and ways to be involved in the process.
September 19, 2019 – City Council Action
- Live Music Fund Working Group was established.
December 2, 2019 – Music Commission Meeting
- Live Music Fund was established through Ordinance No. 20190919-149.