At Austin Water, your safety is our utmost priority. Stay informed and take proactive measures to prepare for potential emergencies, including freezing temperatures, drought conditions, and boil water notices. Explore the resources below to guide you through the necessary steps in each situation. By being prepared, you play a crucial role in safeguarding both yourself and our community.

Austin Water urges customers to take steps to prepare for freezing temperatures. While Austinites often enjoy mild winters, Winter Storm Uri of February 2021 demonstrated that we must prepare for more severe and prolonged freezing weather. Learn how to prepare with our:

Cold Weather Tips

Austin is currently under Stage 2 Water Restrictions.

The Central Texas region, is experiencing severe to extreme drought conditions. Record high temperatures and low rainfall have taken a toll on the Lower Colorado River Basin and Lakes Travis and Buchanan, the source of our water supply. Learn about Austin's drought response and measures you can take to save water:

Drought Response

There is not a Boil Water Notice in effect for Austin Water customers at this time.

Learn more about the conditions and measures that Austin Water takes to survey Austin's water quality. You can review the FAQ about boil water notices in the link below:

Boil Water Notice FAQ