Download Be Your Child’s Hero coloring book!
This coloring book offers a fun way to teach kids about basic hygiene practices that protect them from getting sick! It’s available in English and Spanish.
Be Your Child’s Hero Campaign 
Young children have a high risk of getting seriously ill and are even hospitalized due to COVID-19.
As a parent or caregiver, you want to do everything you can to protect your child. You want them out of hospitals and emergency rooms so they can enjoy going to school or daycare, playing with friends and participating in sports and other activities. Be your child’s hero and protect them from COVID-19.
Get them up to date with COVID-19 vaccines
COVID-19 continues to affect our community. Children are just as likely as adults to get COVID-19, with some children getting so sick that they need to be hospitalized or placed on a machine to help them breathe. No parent wants their child to get sick. However, many children continue to be unprotected from COVID-19 because they have not yet been vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for everyone 6 months and older.
- Proven safety. Before COVID-19 vaccines are approved, they are carefully studied to show that they are safe for everyone 6 months and older.
- Continuous safety monitoring. After approval, COVID-19 vaccines continue to be carefully monitored to make sure they’re safe for children and teens. If scientists identify any concerns, they rapidly share the information and use the data they collect to update COVID-19 vaccination recommendations. Find more safety information at
- Fewer chances of severe infection. COVID-19 vaccines continue to help millions of kids fight off severe infections, keeping them out of hospitals and emergency rooms. COVID-19 vaccines protect children from becoming seriously ill.
- Smaller vaccine dose. Children receive a smaller dose of the COVID-19 vaccine than is given to adults. Their dose is just strong enough to protect them.
- Better protection. The updated bivalent COVID-19 vaccine gives children added protection. Bivalent vaccines currently protect against the original COVID-19 strain as well as omicron subvariants.
Don’t wait. Vaccinate your child today.
Prevent infections
Teach your children how to protect themselves, their family and their community against respiratory infections. Help them follow these hygiene practices:
- Wash hands often with soap and water.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
- Avoid close contact with people who are feeling sick.
- Cough and sneeze into your inner elbow or a tissue.
- Stay home if sick.
Make sure your child is up to date with COVID-19 and flu vaccines. Keep them home if they’re sick and follow basic hygiene practices to minimize the spread of viruses.
Visit to find vaccine providers near you and en español.
Be Your Child’s Hero!