About the Event/Permits/Park Access:
- This event does/does not charge a fee for public participation.
- Amplified Sound: Amplified sound has been permitted at this event.
- Park Access: In Use – no fences, no barriers, significant portion of the park reserved/impacted by the event. Includes increased pedestrian and vehicular activity
- Road closures are associated with this event. Chicon Street south of Nash Hernandez will be closed to the public.
- Closures will moderately affect area traffic conditions and public recreational use of the park during event hours.
- Neighborhood NO PARKING restrictions are IN EFFECT! Signed “no parking areas” are actively enforced on event day(s).
- Alternative transportation options: austintexas.gov/department/getting-around-austin
- BUS ROUTES: Visit capmetro.org
For downtown parking information visit: austintexas.gov/department/downtown-parking - Hike or Bike to the Event
- Suggested Alternative Park Use Areas: Vic Mathias Shores Middle lawn, Shores off leash area, Zilker Park Great Lawn
- Off Leash Areas - http://www.austintexas.gov/department/leash-areas
- Due to the number of participants on site, and the nature of the activities, access to park areas, parking lots, waterway and/or docks are impacted during event hours.
- In addition, event set up activities occur in advance such as infrastructure delivery and includes a significant amount of traffic in the park.
- PARKING ALERT - Parking on the grass/on unauthorized park grounds is a $250 parking fine during special events.
- VENDING ALERT - Illegal vending/commercial activity Class C Misdemeanor minimum $200 fine.
- Glass, Styrofoam, and Smoking are prohibited in all parks. In addition, the event organizer may restrict additional items on site.
- For additional event information and all inquiries please visit the event website for additional information, schedule and exact timing, parking, item restrictions, registration, and contact information.
- Review information here (link) regarding City of Austin's Americans with Disabilities Program Office
- Review information here (link) to request ADA Accommodations
Location Information
Edward Rendon Sr. Metropolitan Park at Festival Beach
2101 Jesse E Segovia St.
Austin, TX 78702
United States
See Map: Google Maps
Contact Information
See Event Website