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Coed Self Defense Class, details in text description. Blue graphic of two people engaged in martial arts

Co-Ed Self-Defense (18+) with Austin Women's Boxing Club
Saturday, November 9th
Location: Austin Women's Boxing Club 
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We will practice using mixed martial arts techniques from Karate and Jiu Jitsu. You will gain a basic understanding of how to defend yourself using your body and tools like pepper spray. Pre-registration required by Thurs, Oct 31. Please email maccwellness@austintexas.gov
Practicaremos usando técnicas de artes marciales mixtas de Karate y Jiu Jitsu. Usted ganará una comprensión básica de cómo defenderse usando su cuerpo y herramientas. Se requiere pre-registro antes del Jueves, Oct 31. Por favor envie un email a maccwellness@austintexas.gov

Austin Women's Boxing Club
2919 Menchaca Rd
Ste 210
Austin, TX 78704
United States

Lorie Martinez