plant search guide


Our native landscape is the inspiration for this guide to earth-wise plant choices for Austin area gardens. The Grow Green plant list was created to help you select beautiful native and adapted plants which are naturally drought tolerant and resistant to pests and diseases. The less watering, fertilizing, and chemical control required in your yard, the more you contribute to the conservation and preservation of our precious water resources - our streams, lakes, and aquifers.


Featured Plants

Title Botanical Name Plant Type Light Plant Images
Zexmenia Wedelia texana Perennials Sun/Part Shade Zexmenia  Wedelia texana , Zexmenia  Wedelia texana , Zexmenia  Wedelia texana
Yucca, Twistleaf Yucca rupicola Yuccas/Agaves/Succulents/Cacti/Sotols Sun/Part Shade Yucca, Twistleaf            Yucca rupicola
Yucca, Red Hesperaloe parviflora Yuccas/Agaves/Succulents/Cacti/Sotols Sun Yucca, Red    Hesperaloe parviflora , Yucca, Red    Hesperaloe parviflora , Yucca, Red    Hesperaloe parviflora
Yucca, Paleleaf Yucca pallida Yuccas/Agaves/Succulents/Cacti/Sotols Sun/Part Shade Yucca, Paleleaf       Yucca pallida
Yucca Yucca spp. Yuccas/Agaves/Succulents/Cacti/Sotols Sun/Part Shade Soft Leaf Yucca  Yucca spp.
Yarrow Achillea spp. Perennials Sun/Part Shade Yarrow   Achillea spp. , Yarrow  Achillea spp. , Yarrow Pink  Achillea spp.
Xylosma Xylosma congestum Trees (Small)/Large Shrubs Sun/Part Shade Xylosma    Xylosma congestum , Xylosma    Xylosma congestum
Wooly Stemodia Stemodia lanata Groundcovers Sun/Part Shade Wooly Stemodia.  Stemodia lanata , Wooly Stemodia.  Stemodia lanata , Wooly Stemodia.  Stemodia lanata
Wisteria, Texas Wisteria frutescens Vines Sun/Part Shade Wisteria, Texas    Wisteria frutescens , Wisteria, Texas    Wisteria frutescens
Winecup, Perennial Callirohoe involucrata Perennials Sun/Part Shade Winecup, Perennial   Callirohoe involucrata , Winecup, Perennial   Callirohoe involucrata , Winecup, Perennial   Callirohoe involucrata