Council Chambers Meeting

All Recent News

Residents invited to provide input on 2025 budget

Austin's Homeless Strategy Office is looking to partner with organizations to provide resources to individuals and families at risk of homelessness.

100 units will serve people who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness

Residents could transform their lawns and earn rebates of up to $3,000.

Changes starting on May 8th will consolidate TSA Pre-Check and CLEAR screening to one checkpoint.

City Manager TC Broadnax highlights priorities and key issues for the City of Austin.

Public comment was originally to be held to items on the agenda only. 

Ten lineworkers are ready to join Austin Energy field crews in keeping the power flowing to the Austin area.

Community invited to participate in 30-day public input event

Mosquito season begins in May. Practice the Four Ds to protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases

Stay safe - Prepare for potential severe weather and flash flooding.

AAC joins 410+ shelters nationwide participating in “Empty the Shelters” reduced-fee adoption event.