Austin is a great place to live, and preserving housing choices and affordability will ensure that future generations, as well as existing residents, enjoy the benefits our city has to offer.

As one tool in addressing affordability, a revised Land Development Code could: 

  • Allow us to strengthen neighborhood character, enhance walkability, and create access to a variety of housing options to match a variety of needs and household incomes.
  • Allow for the building of new, smaller lot and house types in appropriate locations that respond to the needs of our diverse existing and future population.
  • Allow more people to stay in their existing homes by opening the door to added income through renting a garage apartment or creating space to house an elderly parent.
  • Allow for more “live/work” units, where limited-sized businesses could operate on the ground floor of a residential unit; the stream of income generated by the business can help make the mortgage more affordable for the homeowner.
  • Encourage remodeling and energy upgrades by reducing the red tape, fees and time required for obtaining permits.